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5 Tips To Help Kick Your Sugar Addiction

sugar-cubes01Are you addicted to sugar? If so, you aren’t alone. According to the American Heart Association  (AHA), the average American consumes a whopping 89 teaspoons of sugar per day – about 3-4 times more than the recommended daily allowance.

Sugar adversely affects the body in a number of different ways. It increases a person’s chance of developing diabetes, promotes tooth decay, contributes to fat accumulation and subsequently obesity, and weakens the immune system.

#1) Ditch The Soda

You can’t expect to kick your sugar addiction without eliminating soda from your diet. Just a single 12-ounce can of cola contains 39 grams, which is already more than AHA’s recommended daily allowance. Several studies have found that drinking one soda per day can add up to 15 additional pounds to your weight! Switching from sodas to pure H2O can make a world of difference in your weight, health, and mental clarity.

#2) Sweeten With Stevia Instead

Let’s face it, some beverages require a little bit of sweetness to make them more palatable. Coffee, for instance, is a beverage that most people prefer to drink with added sugar. Rather than tossing a spoonful of sugar into your morning Joe, try using all-natural stevia instead. Purified stevia extract (from the Stevia rebaudiana plant) is 200-300 times sweeter than granulated sugar, so adding a very small amount should suffice.

#3) Enjoy an Occasional Piece of Fruit

The sugars found in fruit, known as fructose, are easier on the body than processed (AKA refined) sugars. The next time you have a craving for something sweet, grab a piece of fruit to satisfy your cravings. You’ll still get the sanctification of tasting something sweet, but it’s a milder form of sugar that’s easier for the body to digest and process.

#4) Stay Active

Staying active is another important step in kicking a sugar addiction. Whether it’s running, jogging, swimming, playing tennis, bicycling, etc., you should aim for a solid 30-45 minutes of exercise per day. This will keep your metabolism levels high, which in turn flushes the remaining sugar from your system in less time.

#5) Take a Chromium Supplement

Chromium picolinate supplements can prove to be highly effective at combating sugar addiction. Chromium regulates blood sugar levels and energy production, preventing sudden spikes in blood-glucose levels. In order words, it should ease some of the withdrawal symptoms of sugar addiction. Talk with your medical practitioner about starting a 200 mg per day regimen of chromium.

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